Sunday, September 29, 2013

Real democracy is about the real individual.

There's 'Democracy', as conceived by some political philosophers, and there's 'real' democracy as experienced by the 'real' individual at the Bottom of political democracy. The first one is linguistic, general, abstract and sometimes doesn't even 'touch' the 'real' individual in his/her 'condition of togetherness'. The second one is real. There's a big 'linguistic gap' between the Top of government and the Bottom of government. But, there is no gap in the actual condition of the so-called relation of the One and the Many. There is a 'real government' and there are 'real', 'individual' millions at the Bottom. Unfortunately, those are the only two ways of dealing with the 'condition of togetherness'. The first is linguistic and highly illusory and can be 'manipulated' endlessly. The second is closer to reality, but still needs lots of work to close the 'huge gap' existing between 'governing' and 'purporting to govern'. Of course, all politicians purport to govern and don't hesitate to exercise 'political power' to give 'vent' to their manipulations. Its unfortunate that 'power' is essential to the governing process. But, then again without it, governing could not take place. ( maybe it could be considered a disease?) No, I'd better leave that alone. But, it might be essential for politicians to just understand that their 'power' is a 'temporary thing' and that they will not take it to the grave, any more than an 'ordinary' human takes his possessions to the grave. Surely, any real individual realizes that the 'grave' means a 'stop' to all human institutions, including 'democracy'. Why are politicians less insightful than the 'ordinary' individual? I guess, it can only be because they are so wrapped-up in the allurements of power and possessions( economics and money) than the ordinary guy. I guess the 'disease' comes with the position or the 'possessions'. Maybe we should 'learn' from the corporate structure,( No that won't work either) well, it can be dissolved voluntarily or involuntarily and then resurrected under a different name. But,.... then again, corporations are immortal, we are not.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.