Friday, January 31, 2014

How can Capitalism help Democracy?

Capitalism received lots of help from government when it allowed businesses to incorporate. Business, in a Democracy, has always been a competitive affair. However, the freedom of citizens to compete with each other was rendered futile.( Although competition can still function on a smaller scale). The same can be said of the political concept of Equality. Once the corporate structure surfaced, equality between 'persons' in the economy, went out the window. Of course, any person who wishes, and has the 'where-with all', can form a corporation, but it has to have certain features, like a Board of Directors, a certain amount of capital, Articles of Incorporation, etc.. And even some individuals who use the corporate structure are not in the same 'economic boat'. There are small corporations that remain small. But, the problematic arises with huge corporations. The big corporation are 'small governments' within a larger National Government. But 'corporation-persons' only govern the functioning of the corporation within the economy. Nevertheless, because of the 'substitution' of money in place of the political values of 'freedom and equality', they have a large influence in the political aspects of the Nation. Since government, wittingly or unwittingly, helped create corporate structures, and by doing so, rendered freedom to compete and equality of 'personhood', relatively useless, why not impose a heavier tax-burden on them. ( originally, the Tax burden on profits was 90%, then 70%, and now is equal to that of the 'real individuals' in the social.) Also, couldn't they be required to contribute to so-called charitable work, as do 'real' persons who participate in 'social work'. The 'poorer' sections of cities could also stand some help. Whatever they do to contribute to real democracy could be a deductible item. They have to keep 'books' and 'records' of all activities they engage in, so keep track, get a deduction, etc., and contribute towards real democracy. It seems 'obscene' for a huge 'person' only to want to be 'more huge'.( in another 'language' that's called 'greed'. Corporations could play an 'equitable' and a 'balancing' role in society. They are the ones driving the government towards 'socialism'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.