Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Constitution measures our trajectory around the Three Branches

Time, Number, and calendar 'measures' our trajectory around the sun;( Happy new year!), the Constitution and our institutions 'measures' our trajectory around the Triadic nature of our government. The ironic distinction is that the passage of time may make us 'wiser', but always makes us older and weaker. In government, the proper application of the Constitution can only improve our democracy, even if its for future generations. That should be the case; the problematic is that if we substitute, money or some other economic or even religious value, in place of democracy, the government system can become fixed into a different form of government. Stagnation of the democratic principals of government can only lead to Autocracy, Plutocracy, or Oligarchy. These are relatively fixed forms of government where the government is at the Top and the people are sometimes referred too as 'subjects'. In democracy, the 'government' is "We the People...", and the People are at the Bottom. The Top exists 'by the grace of the Bottom'. Governing is difficult and governing a democracy is probably the most difficult form of governing in the world. The rules and laws are relatively simple and are contained in the Constitution. The problem is the human condition and the usurpation of democratic values by economic values or other non-democratic values. We cannot live in a 'condition of togetherness' without respect for the freedom and equality of the Other. The guy or gal next to you is your 'Brother' or 'sister', like it or not. 'Togetherness' is a blessing and all real humans are free and equal. I say 'real', which does not include legal fictions. There are many 'kinks', 'gaps', and 'empty places' in our society and much dis-function in our government, hopefully our Statesmen will find them, plug them up, and improve our democracy this year. Happy New year.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.