Monday, January 6, 2014

This blog is about democracy, but the issue of money must be addressed.

Although this blog is about democracy, the issue of the economy, money, and capitalism, must also be addressed. Why?, when most political 'works' stick to the political aspects of government. The economy is an inseparable aspect of the 'condition of togetherness', which is a 'political entity', and cannot be separated from the 'condition', because the 'freedom and equality' of a democracy must be exercised within that same 'condition'. Neither issue can be treated in isolation. To do so is to ignore many factors that, directly and indirectly, influence the 'condition of togetherness' and hence, the 'political' aspects of democracy. Although, inextricably intertwined, the principles underlying the 'political' must be kept separate from the 'principles' underlying the economic. In the economy, 'profits' are cumulative and can be 'monopolized', and they can grow to enormous levels. There's even a form of government characterized by the excessive accumulation and hoarding of profits. Its called Plutocracy, Government by the 1%. Oligarchy only refers to government by a 'few'; no reference to money. Autocracy or Dictatorship also refers to government by the 'One' or the Top, again, no references to money. Democracy refers to government by the Bottom, i.e. "We the People...", no references to money. Only a Plutocrat is so close to his money, that s/he can never espouse a democratic form of government. Plutocracy, as well as the other forms of government, can never be democratic. The danger arises when the value system of the economy usurps the value system of democracy, which is the freedom and equality of every individual. Hence, Citizens United and 'cumulative' economic values cannot be headed in a 'democratic direction'. Its ok to make lots of money, but we must 're-orient' ourselves to the democracy we live in. Make your money, but lets retain our democratic government.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.