Saturday, January 18, 2014

The institution of 'governing' or Government has always been with us.

The institution of 'governing' has always been with us. It probably began with small groupings or 'tribes'. Of course, they had a 'chief' or leader. But, the individuals in the 'groupings' or tribes were also 'families', and may have been 'families', before they became tribes. Family, as a unit, was not problematic, because the 'relationship' between them was a 'blood' relationship. However, the 'social' or 'political' relation was another thing. As the number of individuals grew, the 'social unit' became larger. It's said that, in the Middle Ages, one of the Kings problems was the inability to exert individual control over a large populace. Authority had to be 'divided' up over areas which were governed by appointed 'leaders' within the area. After a while, those 'leaders' took over areas in competition with the Kings authority. Power at the Top was diluted and eventually dismantled. Early America and State entities had Governors ( still has them) until a Constitutional Federal authority was set up, which was called "President". But, States were, and are, governed by Governors; kind of similar to the 'problems' of the King in antiquity, but now that 'friction' is called "States Rights". To some extent, we still have that old problematic, now called Federal and local (State) authority. Well, the Constitution should have resolved that issue when it states, "We the People...". We have Federal and State jurisdictions, but we are a 'People government', "of People", "by People", and "for, the same 'of' and 'by', People". The 'People' referred too in the Constitution includes 'all' the People, including the People within the States. We are a 'People' government and the power to govern comes from all the People, at the Bottom of the 'relation' of governing.

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