Friday, January 10, 2014

The economy is important to Democracy; but Freedom and Equality is more important.

Don't get me wrong; the economy is a very important part of the 'condition of togetherness'. When I say, don't mix the value system of the economy with the value system of democracy, I do not mean that the economy is not an important part of democracy. My only contention is that the two value systems are 'motored' by different values. Democracy and democratic government is 'motored' by the freedom and equality of the individual, while the economy is 'motored' by profits. Democratic government cannot be 'motored' by means of the profit motive and the economy cannot be 'motored' by means of the freedom and equality of each individual. The two value systems apply to their respective domains within the social and its obvious that the two should be kept separate. Corporations are "legal fictions" and they are creatures of the economy and their activity must remain within economic activity. They should not get involved in political activity. Say good-by to Citizens United. There has to be a way to monitor the costs and expenditures of political campaigns in a manner that prevents the rich or the 'well heeled' from having an advantage over someone less fortunate. The Freedom and Equality of every individual should inspire individuals to run for public office, not profits. If we allow only the 'well-heeled' to run for public office we run the danger that those in office will solidify their advantage and favor policy that conserves that advantage. That's the royal-road to Plutocracy. No, politics must continue to be motored by the freedom and equality of every individual within the social. Although money plays an important part in politics, we cannot allow the 'profit motive' to be the 'motor' of our democracy. That would destroy democracy and without democracy, we run the risk of a 'fixed' form of government; one that favors the Top instead of the Bottom. If that does not result in a Plutocracy; it will result in an Oligarchy.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.