Thursday, January 30, 2014

Party loyalty can 'limit' democracy

All Party ideology within a Democratic Nation should be 'designed' to benefit the People at the Bottom of Democratic Government. There're no such thing as a 'self-serving' party, nor any other politically, selfish factors, within a democratically structured government. The recent tensions between Democrats and Republicans seem to be ideological tensions, as distinguished from 'democratic tensions'. All tensions within a competing Party-system in a democratic government should be resolvable to the 'benefit' of the People. However, if either of the two parties is more concerned with Party ideology than with the millions of people in a democracy, its not a 'democratic' Party. It becomes a Party that was organized to benefit the political power within the structure of the Party-system, which can then be used as a means for self-aggrandizement. This is not the fault of the structure of government, but the 'failing' of the 'intent' of the individual within the Party system. If any Party is more concerned with perpetuating its position within the power structure of a democracy, it does not have the People 'at heart'. All 'political issues' or differences between Parties should be resolvable to the benefit of the People. That's what we are; we are a Democracy; a government of the People, by the People, and for the People; not a government of the 'rich'( Plutocracy), nor a government of a 'select few'( Oligarchy). Hence, the issues between most 'political antagonisms', can be resolved by asking oneself, " How can the people better benefit from a resolution of this antagonism". If the answer is, Well, "it will benefit me", or, "it will benefit corporations" or, "it will benefit the ideology within my Party", then the effort is not 'democratic'; it becomes a 'wasted effort' that could have benefited the People. If a sitting President says,"I'll by-pass Congress, if I have to, and benefit the People 'directly',(to avoid political maneuvering); that would be real democracy.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.