Monday, January 13, 2014

They say, Democracy is the best form of Government; can that be demonstrated?

Everyone has heard that Democracy is the best form of government; can that fact be demonstrated? Well, lets try. Democracy is established and described in the Constitution as a Three Branch Government. The Legislative, the Executive, and the Judicial. Of course, the Legislative is mentioned first, because its the most important Branch and because it has a method of selecting Representatives, for the people at the Bottom. The Representatives of the People are elevated to the Top, in a 'Representative capacity', and only in a Representative capacity. They legislate laws and policies. That pretty much situates power and authority at the Bottom with the People. At any point in time and under 'certain circumstances', the Bottom,(not the Representatives),can "peaceably assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances". Who can assemble? Everyone at the Bottom!; that's pretty much a Constitutional Right to revolution. Of course, the term "revolution" has acquired a bad connotation and is usually bantered about as a 'bad move', whether the assembly is 'peaceable, or not'. If the assembly happens to be 'peaceable', the authorities have many ways to make it appear 'un-peaceable', and hence, quash it. Autocracy, Plutocracy, and Oligarchy, are pretty much the same, they have their power at the Top; Autocracy, is rule by 'the One', Plutocracy is rule by 'the so-called 1 %', Oligarchy is rule by a 'select few'. And what about the millions at the Bottom? Well, they don't have much of a say-so. The government is pretty-much fixated at the Top and can't be changed. Democracy is not perfect; but, it's always in motion; Power and authority may be 'fixed' at the Top, but, only for a period of time, and, 'strength in numbers' and 'the authority of the vote' circulates at the Bottom, among all the People; ready to change and improve the government, if necessary. How can Democracy, not be the best form?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.