Saturday, January 4, 2014

Political Office is power

Political Office has political power. But, political power is a conferred power. In a democracy, it's conferred by the Bottom of government, viz. by the People who exercise their right to vote; and then only for a period of time. There is no other source of power within our political organization or our society. Our society is not organized in a fashion that grants power to any one individual or any one 'social class' of individuals. If, in a democracy, every individual is free and equal, there can be no 'preferential class' of individuals. The freedom and equality of each individual refers to his/her human dignity and integrity. It does not refer to possessions, money, or 'social class' or position in society. Of course, there are positions in the social that have 'authority', e.g. policemen, judges, teachers, presidents of organizations, leaders of groups, etc., but this is not power, its authority over certain individuals falling within a circumscribed area of activity. That activity only applies to certain areas within society, like; policeman( law violators); judges (accused violators), teachers(students), organizations(members of the organization) etc. That is authority, not power. This distinction helps people to separate 'influence' within the political and the economic fields. Notice, power does not extend to individuals that earn or have millions of dollars and lots of properties. The rich may have 'authority' or influence within a particular area of activity but, certainly not because of the amount of possessions or money they have. Money does not confer power. The fact that People consider someone with lots of money or possessions as being 'powerful', is a mistake. Those individuals may have lots of money, but they do not have power. Power is political and is conferred. Only a democratically conferred power is 'real power'.

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