Saturday, September 6, 2014

A medium of exchange has 'purchasing power', not political power.

Money and possessions are economic values; not political values. Political values or political Offices have power, but economic values do not have power. In a Democracy, the power of political Office is a 'grant' from the People at the Bottom, who have elected the Representative into Office, and who have been Constitutionally authorized to Represent the Many people at the Bottom. Other forms of Government also have power at the Top, but they acquire Office at the Top by other means. Nevertheless, all Governments, being political entities, have power at the Top. The only kind of power that exists in the world is political power because its an 'organization' of the One and the Many or the Top and the Bottom. Political power is the only kind of 'power' an Individual can posses. Of course, we hear of power in the hands of the wealthy, but that is not 'power', that's 'purchasing power', and the only thing that does is serve as a medium of exchange. As a medium of exchange it can only be exchanged for, or purchase, other 'things' or 'possessions'. But, it never authorizes an Individual to 'govern'. The term or word "power" is often misused. Power is the only thing that allows one or several human beings to 'govern' Other human beings. That's why the principles of the economy, must be kept apart, from the principles of Government. A human being can only acquire political power, i.e., power to 'govern', by being elected to a political Office. Obviously s/he must demonstrate that s/he has the knowledge and dedication to 'govern' the People of the Nation. But, under no circumstance can money and possessions be a 'criteria' for assuming a responsible political office. The reason for that is that a Capitalistic economy is motored by 'profits' and a democratic political entity is motored by Freedom and Equality, and never shall the 'two meet'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.