Sunday, September 21, 2014

'National Politics' can bring about a 'Revolution'; 'International Politics', can bring about 'War'.

The term "politics" covers a wide area of activity; politics on the National sphere is different from politics on the International sphere. Nationally, it concerns the exercise of 'power' between a 'Top' and a 'Bottom'. On a National sphere, this relation involves the 'inner organization' of a National political entity, and the relation between the Top of the entity and the Bottom of the entity, where its People reside. Every Nation has a National 'politics', or, a Government that 'governs its People', and a Bottom, or, all its People, 'living in a condition of togetherness'. Of course, many issues can arise between a Government and its own People. However, on the International sphere, the political situation is entirely different. Nations, as in the case of individuals, do not, and cannot, live in 'isolation'. Even Nations must exist in a 'condition of togetherness'. But the relationship between Nations is different from the relationship between a Nation and its People. In the relationship between a Nation and its People, one finds many different 'forms' of government; e.g., Dictatorships, Autocracy, Aristocracy, Plutocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy,'enclaves', and even, in the 'so-called', less civilized parts of the World, tribes, and small 'groups' of human beings. This 'relationship' can be called a 'National' type of relationship, or a 'manner of relating' between the Top of 'government' and the Bottom. However, on the International sphere, 'each Nation' is already an 'established political entity', regardless its type of National organization, and is entitled to an 'equal political posture' in its relations with other Nations. The 'relation' is one of 'pure power'. So how does one Nation get along with other Nations - that are 'political equals'- within the International sphere? That's a problematic. A Nation may not be as 'powerful' on the home front as it sets itself up on the International sphere, where 'all' are equals in power. Nevertheless, all Nations, in the exercise of pure power, must also learn to live in a 'condition of togetherness'. An uprising, on the National sphere is called a "Revolution"; an uprising, between Nations, on the International sphere, is called "War". While neither is 'good', "Wars" are worse, and 'more contagious', than "Revolutions". Why can't human beings get along?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.