Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Bottom of any type of Government, is about real People; the 'causes' of War, are abstract.

Democracy at the Bottom of Government functions, via the Individual, the Electorate, and the Vote. Democracy, within a Nation, plays its own game; i.e., 'internal politics', elections of those considered qualified, and establishing Institutions, policies and Laws that protect and preserve the Freedom and Equality of the Individual. The International game is entirely different. The International Game is a power game between Nations, i.e., it's 'external' to the 'internal politics' of any one Nation and should not involve the 'real people' in any one Nation. That's just a way of saying that the 'power struggle' between Nations should not involve the 'internal politics', or the Individuals, within a Nation. In the case of a Democratic Nation, a conflict with another Nation does not directly involve the 'internal' democratic, or non-democratic, practices of the Nation. That's the dilemma with International politics. International conflicts involves a dispute with other nations about, National boundaries; land disputes; disputes, agreements, or disagreements, about Natural Resources; and never, about the 'differences' in the form of Government. Of course, the problem is that when International Disputes break down, there is always a 'potential' for War, and that means that many individuals within the Nations will, indirectly, have to get involved. But, we have also said that Nations or Governments of all types, not just democracies, are 'abstractions', 'Autonomous', and by virtue of said 'autonomy' are equal in 'power' on the International scene. Nevertheless, they, also, are constituted of 'real People', and just because they might be 'non-democratic', and do not protect the 'freedom and equality' of the Individual, does not mean that they have a right to consider the Individual in a democracy, in the same way as they consider their own People. That's completely out of the question. 'Power' differences between 'abstract entities' must be resolved 'abstractly'. War is 'not abstract', and is not a solution; neither are threats of war. 'Real Peoples' should not be victims of an abstract problematic. That's ridiculous. If Leaders on the International scene cannot resolve an 'abstract problem' by 'abstract means', maybe they shouldn't be Leaders. Wow, maybe its not about governments, maybe its about the Individuals who 'run' government; they're the ones who need to 'change' their 'humanity'. How sad, humans create 'abstract problems' and try to resolve them with 'Real Wars'. War is justifiable, only as a 'defensive measure'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.