Tuesday, September 23, 2014

On the International sphere, Nations are not equal; nevertheless, all Nations are 'equal in power'.

A Democracy can assume many distorted forms. A Democracy is usually described as a Government, "of the People", "by the People", and "for the People". Of course, the terms, "of", "by", and "for", have very specific meanings. The term, "of" means of the People who are the subjects of the Government. The term, "by" means, by the same People, who are to be Governed; and the term, "for" means for the 'benefit' of the People who are to be governed. All Governments are 'of People', and all governments are by, 'some kind' of people; there are no Governments that have a 'Top' that is 'not human'. Hence, the requirements that democracy be "of People" and "by People", is not problematic, so long as those Representatives come from the same group to be governed. The largest area of problems in democracies is the requirement that 'governing' be "for the People". What constitutes Government "for the People". Obviously, that implies a strong connection to the 'direction' required of the act of governing. Those issues apply on a National basis. However, on the International sphere, Democratic Government can very easily deviate from the 'direction' suggested by democratic principles. The reason being that Internationally, a Democratic Nation interacts with other Nations, that may be Democratic, or, may not be democratic. Nations, as between themselves, are not equal. Nevertheless, all Nations are 'equal in power'. If there is to be an International Government, all Nations must have 'Equal power'. That's 'pure power', and the People of a Nation, do not have to be 'directly privy' to the 'relations' taking place on the International sphere. Nevertheless, a Democratic Nation must take into account the fact that any problematic on the International sphere, may lead to War, and hence, involve its People. On the International sphere, Power is a 'given' and must be exercised very carefully. Failure to resolve International government issues on the International sphere can lead to War. Failure to resolve National Issues leads to 're-shuffling' of elected officials.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.