Thursday, September 4, 2014

'Political power' is an abstraction; Individual human power is an illusion.

A Nation, or government, of that Nation, is an 'abstraction'. By that statement I mean that, in actuality, a Nation is a 'condition of togetherness' of 'real people' that live within the 'geographical and political' boundaries of that Nation. The Nation has an 'International Identity' and an 'Autonomy'. That 'Identity' and that 'autonomy' characterizes that particular Nation. Regardless, its size or Identity, on the International sphere, a Nation has 'Equal Power' as a political entity. Why is that? Simply. because human beings have a right to 'organize themselves' into a political entity. No one can set requirements on the nature of that political entity. Hence, the 'Equal Power' is a 'given' of the political organization. In other words, a Nation already has all the Power it needs to govern its People. It has no need for 'more power'. ( I already hear some laughter in the background) Hey, its the only way the 'Many' found to organize into a 'political entity', with its own Autonomy and Identity. Every Nation needed Power at the Top, and by virtue of 'organization', it has Power over its own organization. In other words, its the only way to 'organize' the One, at the Top, and the Many, at the Bottom. Nevertheless, on the International scene, it has 'no Power' over 'Another Nation', or the 'Peoples' of the Other Nation. The problematic is that 'some Nations' want 'more Power', and the only way to get that, on a World that is already 'full', is to encroach into the 'Political Boundaries' of the Other Nation. Kinda-like that old childish " my dad can beat up your dad" mentality. 'Kings', Autocrats, Dictators, Leaders, Presidents, etc., must be the most 'lonely individuals' on the planet. Can you imagine someone who can 'create' a 'war situation', and kill Other men, women, and children? (I'm serious!) Have you ever watched a Leader 'age'? Well, if they're not 'lonely', they have to be "power hungry", or 'greedy', because they want 'more and more' of the same, comparable to 'greed' in the economy, that motivates Individuals towards 'more and more' of the same( money), which leads to the 1%, or Plutocracies, or Oligarchies. Internationally, its about 'Power'; Nationally, its about 'Money', in both cases ,its about 'greed'. I used to think Governments needed to change, but I was wrong, People, who lead Governments need to change. "More and More", only leads to "less and less".

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.