Friday, September 5, 2014

'Political power' can cause a War.

Political power can cause a War, but Individual 'strength', or, if you wish, 'individual power'( which 'power' doesn't exist on an Individual level or on a National level), will never cause a War. On a National level, Individual 'strength' or 'autonomy' may cause a 'personal dislike', or, a 'racial dislike', or, 'racial discrimination', or some 'social dislike', or, some 'economic dislike', or, even some 'political dislike'; and these Individual 'dislikes' or discriminations may even exist among 'humans' interacting with 'Other Humans' from another Nation; in other words, on the International level, but these factors, alone, are never sufficient to cause a War. Why is that? Because all these factors are 'personal human factors', that cause 'personal' difficulties, or, conflicts, in the 'condition of togetherness' which constitutes our 'National Identity'. They may cause, "riots", 'social' or 'economic unrest' in the Nation, but these 'personal human factors' do not have an 'effect' on the International sphere. However, every Nation has 'power' by virtue of its 'organization' into a political entity, and, any "organizations of Nations" on an International scale also 'houses power' in its interactions with other Nations. However, Individuals, as individuals, within any Nation do not have an effect on the International sphere. But, Individuals as Representatives, of a Nation, can and do, have an effect on the International sphere, and the political power that attaches to that Individual as 'Representative' is real Power. Obviously, this can cause a dilemma with an Individual. Here we have an Individual that recognizes that s/he has 'power' as Representative of a Nation of his/her People, and also, as 'Representative' of his/her Nation, in the interactions with Other Nations. But, the difference in the exercise of this power is vastly different. Political power in a Democracy arises from the Many Individuals at the Bottom. It can be changed every Four years. On the International sphere its a 'given' of the Organization into a 'United Nations' or some smaller 'Grouping' of Nations. However, the dialogue among Nations is motored by 'pure power' and the exercise of 'pure power' must be very cautious. 'Political power' on the International sphere can cause War; as a matter of fact, the 'careless exercise' of pure power on the International sphere will result in 'postures' of War. Why? Because, Nationally, the political Game is about the 'proper exercise' of 'Representative power'; Internationally, the political 'Game' is always 'completely motored' by 'pure power', and 'pure power' is absolute, and 'absolute power' can 'cause' War.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.