Monday, September 15, 2014

'Terrorism' is not a Revolution; 'Terrorism' does not have a political agenda; 'Terrorism' does not have a Country.

Terrorism is not a Revolution, which occurs within any one Country, nor is it an act of War by one Country against another. In actually, it does not have a political agenda. If it claims to be political, it must describe and define its political goals. Violence, for the sake of violence, is unidirectional, in the sense that it will be perpetrated on 'anyone', or 'everyone'. The goal of terror is simply the destruction of human life. How can a few, or even Many, individuals act violently against other human beings, without political reasons for the act, other than the destruction of human life. Without a political agenda, it will self-destruct. Ask yourself, who is the Leader? Who will protect the Leader, from someone else who wants to be Leader. What is the hierarchy in a terroristic 'organization', if it can be said that it is an 'organization'? What are its goals, or since we've said that it has no political goals, who are its friends, or who are its next victims? Will the next victim be someone from within the group, or from, without the Group. Terrorism cannot end with the establishment of a new Country or Nation, because that is not its goal. It will continue to implement Terror, until it implements 'itself' out of existence. Terrorism is anti-democratic; its anti- autocratic; Its anti- Plutocratic; its anti-Oligarchic; its anti-Government; its anti-Nation; its anti-'Top'; its the 'human condition', at the Bottom, 'gone wrong'. How sad.

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