Monday, September 1, 2014

Democracy, at the Top of Government, works in a cycle.

Democracy, at the Top, works in a circular fashion. By that, I mean the Three Branches of Government must be 'continuously' in activity. Also; each Branch must function properly, and that means that each Representative must 'think democratically' and not be influenced by 'motivations' that are 'not democratic'; e.g., 'purely' 'economic' or 'racial motivations'. Historically, and during this 'circular movement' of the 'Three Branches', or 'democratic institutions', many previously existing 'social imbalances' were corrected. For example, initially there was a 'racial divide', or stated differently, there was an institution called 'Slavery' in the social. Of course, there were many other practices that were changed and many others coming into existence within our economy. Example; at one time, Banks were 'really banks', and not investment institutions; after the assembly line, technology helped the further evolution of 'production', and with it came the business Corporation, and then, the electronic revolution and television. Of course, after that came the 'digital revolution' or the computerization of just about everything. With all these advances in technology and the computer, the World 'shrunk' into a 'large community'. People could talk to each other and we are able to 'compare institutions' and 'share commodities'. Television and computers helps us see the living conditions of the 'Other peoples' in the World. Now, we want to apply 'television technology' and 'computer technology', to, indirectly, provide for the 'well being' of everyone in the World. Of course, these 'altruistic tendencies' to help Others is a possibility, but what is really happening to us. When we go 'full circle' in the implementation of our democratic Institutions, and we still see, via T.V. and the media, 'race riots', it makes one wonder if we really did give up our 'discriminatory practices' when we overcame the 'racial divide'. "Freedom and equality" are characteristics of every 'human being' in the World, regardless of Race, Color, or Creed. Could it be that once our Democratic institutions are established and social standards and laws of behavior are established, that we return to our more primitive concepts? Could it be that once democratic institutions go full circle, we 'awaken' our more primitive belief systems; belief systems that 'again' encourage 'Individuality' to the extreme point, of 'selfishness', 'economic greed' and 'individual inequality'? How sad; sometimes its not Governments that must change, its the human condition.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.