Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Nation cannot have pride 'in itself''; but,the People can have pride in their Nation.

The term "Nation" is an abstraction and hence cannot have 'pride' in itself. But, its People can have pride in their Nation. That's why a democracy, that is constituted by all of the People at the Bottom of government, can 'invigorate' its National Identity with pride. The pride comes from the Bottom, or the governed; that is, the People who reap the 'benefits' of the Freedom and Equality that every individual enjoys, from the government. The Freedom and Equality enjoyed at the Bottom, gives-off a sense of pride in the governmental structure. Freedom and Equality helps 'cement' National pride in the structure that permits it to exist. How then does an Autocracy have 'pride' in their form of government, or do they? Generally speaking, the 'cement' that holds together' in an Autocracy, is fear, weapons of mass destruction, military power, etc.. The difference is that in a Democracy the individual fights for his Nation; in an Autocracy the individual fights because he 'must' or suffer the consequences. Of course, both fighters are great fighters, but the Democratic fighter fights for his Nation; the Autocratic fighter fights for himself/herself. That's why democracy must always protect its people, and must ensure their Freedom and Equality. The people are truly the back-bone of the Democratic Nation. Sure, the People cannot do without their Nation, but, neither can the Nation do without its People. A Nation without people cannot exist; but, its better for a Nation to protect the Freedom and Equality of its people to ensure 'pride' of Nation. A Nation 'with pride' can function more securely within the International sphere; it functions as a Nation that has 'respect' and 'integrity' for the 'human condition', regardless of where they may reside. It does not, or should not, march-off to War that easily. Heaven help us.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.