Thursday, June 19, 2014

"Nationalism" is a relation from the 'Bottom' to the 'Top'.

"Nationalism" has become weak. Why? because the Top doesn't care about the Bottom, and the Bottom doesn't care about the Top. The relation between the Top and the Bottom is the 'most essential' relation in government, and hence, in evoking a 'real' feeling of Nationalism. But, what has happened? Simple; the people have divided into 'adversarial political Parties' and 'fractured' the integrity of the Top, and the social has divided into 'organized factions' that purportedly serve a democratic ideal, but actually are 'self-serving factions', more concerned with how much money they have, and much less concerned with the 'real people' at the bottom. A "Nation" is not a 'top heavy' phenomena. It cannot 'exist' without its People at the Bottom. Hence, its a 'real relation' between an abstraction and a reality. How sad. All the 'changes' recommended by these 'political' or 'social' divisions (actually they are 'political factions' also)are 'long distance' recommendations. By that, I mean they seek to implement programs that may take a 'life-time' to produce real results; like change the educational system, create more jobs, create new opportunities, etc. Please, please, don't get me wrong. These are good programs, policies, and laws; but can't change be more direct, and create more immediate results? Does it have to be a mere 'shuffle of money' at the 'Top' that basically remains at the Top, and leaves the people at the Bottom 'untouched'? What about the real people? If the Parties can't produce 'direct change' and the social is so congealed into 'factions' of a political nature, who, or what, can bring about real, immediate change? Here we have to be careful, because of the use of 'political' language, to create 'apprehensions' and 'outright fear'. Of course, you can hear the 'rumbling' already, "socialism". No, absolutely No! The Bottom is constituted by the People in a 'condition of togetherness' that gives power to the 'Representatives' at the Top. The Top can create change, as 'representatives of the Bottom' where-so-ever it is necessary. The only condition would be that the changes benefit the individuals at the Bottom (their freedom and equality)and not, some political, or social faction. The Top, of 'democratic government' should be the 'bottom' 'acting in unison' by means of the 'Representative Top'; a Government, "of People", "by people", and "for People". In a Democracy, People in a 'condition of togetherness' that influences the Top, as 'Representative' in nature, can revive Nationalism. In return, the Nation can bring about 'immediate' change. Wasn't that the reason for creating a democratic government in the first place?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.