Saturday, June 7, 2014

How can Democracy 'govern' millions of individuals?

Governing millions of Individuals is not an easy task. The only way to do that is to form 'universal' or 'large' categories for 'governing'. By that, I mean categories that are 'descriptive' of the 'universal qualities' of the 'living condition'. You can't be too specific, and the category must include everyone that is to be governed. For example; everyone expresses 'Life' in his/her own way,( Of course, 'later' we will establish legal boundaries that must be respected.) and also, one individuals 'life' is no 'different' from another's 'life'. There is no such thing as 'more life' or 'less life', when it comes to the human condition. Everyone is 'equally human'. These two 'qualities' of the 'living condition' are universal and any political entity established to 'govern' must respect those qualities. Why?, simply because every individual is 'Free and Equal'; not to mention the simplistic fact, that People were here before governments were formed. Hence, governments can 'govern', but not abuse the human condition. Any governing that 'limits' the free expression of 'life' is not governing, and any governing that discriminates between the 'life' in one human being, and the 'life' in another, for whatever reason, i.e. race, color, creed, or 'wealth', is not governing. Hence the first requirement of government is to categorize, in large categories, the 'range' and 'reach' of 'political power' in the governing entity, i.e. to organize the human interactions of all humans within its jurisdiction. Remember, the government does not really govern 'per se', it merely sets 'parameters' within which every individual can express his/her 'life'. Notice, 'governing' is not an 'imposition', nor is it a 'rule', nor does it 'dictate'; it merely sets parameters for the behavior of the individuals within its jurisdiction. Governing is 'not' an 'affirmative act', its an act that sets 'limitations' on 'conduct within the social', called laws, 'mores', 'institutional delineations', but it does not 'require', 'demand', or 'compel'. In other words, every individual is free and equal, within the 'structure of government' and the 'structure of the social'. The individual is 'free' to violate law,( if s/he so wishes) or diverge from 'social mores', but, if s/he does, they will have to 'pay the price'. The point is that government does not 'rule'( think Ruler.), 'demand' or 'dictate'( think dictator); it merely sets parameters for 'social interactions'. In a real democracy, every individual is free and equal.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.