Thursday, June 12, 2014

Nations are abstractions

Nations are abstractions and exist, out of necessity, for two different reasons. The first reason is to govern their own people: the second reason, is to interact within the International Community of other Nations. There can be no other reason for the existence of Nations. Truly, they are absolutely necessary and their foremost obligation should be to govern their own people. The People is the 'closest' and most pressing obligation. Some Nations are 'large' and some are 'small', yet the size of any Nation does not and should not reflect on its Sovereignty. On the International scene, every Nation has an Identity and each is considered a 'sovereign'. But, distinctions need to be made between the interactions on the International scene and interactions on the National scene. Obviously, the former involves an exercise of equal Power among equal Nations, and the latter, involves the exercise of political power in relation to its own People. The only similarity between the two spheres are the recipients of the interactions, viz. the People. All People are human beings and all people exhibit the same humanity. To be sure, there are different cultures, different languages, and different social organizations; not to mention, different forms of government. But, the 'human condition' is the same. There are no differences in human beings, and every Nation should first be concerned with their Peoples well-being. The 'differences', that some people draw between humans, always relates to 'possessions' and 'wealth'. That reflects the lack of concern and understanding about the human condition. Politics on the National scale is about the human condition. Politics on the International scale is about 'power' and 'identity' between equal Nations with equal Power. Internationally, the conflicts and arguments always involves the exercise of power in relation to, Land, 'Gold', and oil. Why? because Nations have a geographical area that defines them; a monetary system that establishes its economic security; and a valuable commodity that is still being used today. Nationally, the conflicts always involve the relations between the government and its own People. Internationally, politics is an abstract 'power game'; Nationally, politics is about understanding that Nations are necessary, but that the human beings are more important and that they(Nations) would not be here, but for its People. Why can't Leaders understand the relationship between political entities, institutions and People?

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