Monday, June 30, 2014

"Big Corporations" are not concerned about religion, they owe their 'existence' to the Law.

"Democracy" means "real People"; the term 'emanates from the Bottom' of the 'Triadic Nature', or, the Three Branch structure, of democratic government. 'Governing' relates, in a real way, to the basic relation of the Top to the Bottom. It should include 'all real individuals' at the Bottom. But, the Supreme Court has seen fit to consider the 'corporate structure' as a "Person" under the Constitution. Recently, the Court 'seemed' to 'attenuate' the "personhood" of the 'corporate structure', an accepted "legal Fiction"; but, not so, instead it was the 'relation' between the 'owners of the corporation' and 'Corporate Personhood'. Has "Corporate" Personhood, been effected? Has it been 'thinned out' or 'lost weight'. Not really, its not the "legal Fiction" that has 'lost weight', but, it seems, that the 'ownership' of the "legal fiction" has, or rather, the relation between the 'owners' and the "fiction" is being tampered with. It seems that the 'legal fiction' remains a 'properly stuffed fiction'. In other words, it 'ain't going nowhere'; society, or the social, is 'stuck' with 'real people' and "legal fictions". Its already a well established principle, that a corporation has a 'personhood' within the economy, and, the future of that concept, is not about to be challenged. To challenge that concept, as such, would 'destroy' "Capitalism", as we know it, and it would endanger the 'economy'. But, 'owners' beware; the 'relation' between you, and your 'economic brain-child', or "legal fiction", is about to be changed; are you a 'privately owned' "fiction", or a 'publically owned' "fiction"? Are the owners 'just a few' or Many, or, the 'public'. Since, we already seem to be a Corporate society, the 'little guys' will just have to move over. The decision becomes a 'legal base' from where later decisions will favor the 'big guy', in all "their independent Constitutional glory", not the 'little guy'. The 'Big Guy' doesn't need to claim, 'religious freedom'. The decision will 'effect' any real individual that seeks to incorporate his/her business. Sure, 's/he or, 'they', still have certain 'religious freedoms', like 'real individuals' but, you better 'stay small'. If you get 'too Big for your britches', you will lose your 'religious freedom'. The 'Big guys' don't have it. They don't need it. The "big", just keep getting, 'bigger and bigger', of course, only in a 'fictional way'; nevertheless, they are considered "legal Fictions" and hence, protected. What happens to 'real People' and the 'small corporation'? I guess, that in a 'Corporate society', they will have to come under the 'governing' of the 'Big Corporate Guys'. By 'defending the 'religious freedom' of the 'individual' and, the small 'corporate guy', the 'Big Guys' acquire control of, both, the 'small 'legal fictions' and 'real People'. Are we headed towards a Plutocracy, an Oligarchy, or a " fictional corporate society"? What difference does it make? In any case, the "little People" are being 'shackled'. No wonder, the 'Big Guys' are in the top 1%. They need 'more duties' and 'less profits'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.