Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The 'Bottom' line in any government are its People.

The 'Bottom' line in any government are its People. I use 'Bottom" in a metaphorical way, but in actuality, all the individuals are at the bottom of government. The government is always at the Top and the people, all the people, are at the bottom. These are all metaphors. But, Democratic government is a government "of people", "by People", and "for people". In this way "all the metaphors" are 'filled' with 'real People'. Any other kind of government, is also a government with institutional power at the Top, and the people at the Bottom. But, as you can see, the power at the Top is gotten from an institution that got its arising from, "somewhere" other than the Bottom. Those governments are not 'representative governments'; to be sure, they arose from "somewhere" and a 'historical enquiry' can tell us how that particular government first came about. The important thing, is that it's not a government, "of People", "by People" and "for People". Hence, it cannot be a "representative" government of 'its People'. To be sure, it 'represents' the political entity, called Nation. Of course, we can also say, that those governments are also "of people" and even "by people". But, we cannot say that that government is "for the People". Government, in those cases, becomes an Institution at the Top with Power, but the power can be used in whatever manner the Leader chooses, because its a government but, not a government of 'its People'. The reason for that is that the leader has 'ascended' to the 'pinnacle of power', but the 'power' was not 'delegated' from the Bottom. But don't kid yourself, they are 'powerful Nations', because on an International level, all Nations have 'equal power' among Nations and the political game is a 'game of power'. The issue of 'representation' on a National level, does not enter the 'International political game'. But, even though, they are not "representative" on their National scene, on the International scene, they have 'equal power' because power is a 'given'. But, don't kid yourself, even in those cases, the People are more important that the Governments. People, are more important than any government, whether 'representative' or 'not'. 'All Peoples' were here 'first', then Governments 'came in', were developed, were established, were formed, or 'whatever'. The problem is that 'government' became a 'power game', and made 'itself' more important than the People. Take my word for it, 'you and I' are more important than 'any government'.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.