Wednesday, June 11, 2014

International 'relations' seems to go back to the initial building blocks of all 'Foundings'.

International relations between Nations is mostly a linguistic phenomena. Of course, its also a very 'real' phenomena. Don't get me wrong, both the abstract and the concrete are always involved, but, the so called 'problematic' between Nations seems to always relate 'back' to those initial 'building blocks' of all Nations, viz., land, gold, and oil. Of course, now we have the World Wide Web that can 'consolidate' the World into a much 'smaller planet'. Now, any individual, can 'talk' across 'geographical barriers', 'political boundaries', even across, language barriers. But, the so-called 'strength and power' of some Nations, is determined by its 'geography',i.e., its land, its 'gold', or its oil. The 'interest' of 'neighboring Nations' is determined by its proximity or the willingness of Nations to exchange these valuable commodities. But, how can a political entity, like the United Nations, keep the 'conversation going' between Nations, when they have very little in common. Different governments have different 'attitudes' towards their own People, and different ways of 'governing'. Not all Nations are democratic. Hence, their main concern is not always the "Freedom and Equality" of the People. Hence, International Relations can be reduced down to a mutual concern for Land, Gold, and Oil. Of course, the 'geographical boundaries' of most Nations has already been established, but some 'other' Nations or smaller political entities, can still be 'assimilated' into a "Mother Nation". Hence, the importance of land is still 'alive and well'. The relation to 'gold' was always important; to the point that a 'monetary system' used a gold standard to determine 'value'. That is no longer the case. Now, its 'more arbitrary' and less based on the gold standard. Our monetary system is so 'abstracted' that it has 'free-floated' from any real basis for value. Now, its simply 'money'. But, that leaves oil. Yes, oil is still with us, because we have become dependent on it for much of our technology. So what do we do? We try to substitute 'something else' in its place, or dig for it in new places. In the meantime, we are still dependent on it, while, on the International scene, we converse about things that we can 'only talk about'. We have no jurisdiction within another Nations geographical boundaries. Yes, we have to keep the 'conversation going', but, it behooves us to stress the importance of the Human condition; to give less attention to Land, Gold, and Oil, and insist on the sanctity of the human condition. A 'real' United Nations would be called, a "United Peoples of the World".

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