Saturday, June 7, 2014

Democracy is the 'guidance' of the universal freedom and universal equality of the Individual.

Democratic government 'guides' the Freedom and Equality of the Individual. Of course, that's not the 'usual phraseology' used by politicians. Usually we hear phrases like, "Democratic power governs the people at the Bottom". The emphasis is on the word "governs" and the word, "power" and those words usually means something akin to "rules". But, the truth of the matter is that government can do no such thing. Don't get me wrong. Government is very important and is absolutely necessary. But, look at it closely, how can an abstract institution have 'power' over the 'human condition'. The truth is ,it doesn't. Again, think about it , it must 'govern' but 'governing' is just a certain kind of 'guidance'. Truly, it must establish 'institutional conditions' and Laws for the fair, Free, and Equal interaction of all its People. These institutions, policies, and laws, describe the parameters of what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. Truly, the Top of government does have power to 'pass' these Laws and Policies, because the Bottom of the structure of government has 'attributed Constitutional power' to the Offices at the Top for the purpose of 'governing'. However, governing is not the same as 'ruling' or 'dictating' to the People. That's why the First Amendment of the Constitution provides for " the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances". The 'last word' is in the people at the Bottom, not the Top. The people are always protected from a government that wants to 'rule'. 'Governing' is guidance, and heaven knows, the People need guidance. But, most 'government abuse' emanates from the Top. That's unfortunate, because those are positions of 'political power' and are subject to abuse. Too often, politicians assume these positions of power for the 'wrong reasons', and then, attempt to destroy the 'democratic process'. That's what's happening when political Parties try to 'concentrate money' from the economy in the Top 1%. They substitute money in place of freedom and equality of the individual. An 'economic value' is replacing a 'democratic value' of Freedom and Equality of all individuals. The Freedom and Equality of all individuals 'must be protected' from 'wrongful' governmental encroachment.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.