Wednesday, June 25, 2014

'Political power' vs. 'money' or 'economic influence'.

"Political power" is the only kind of power that exists, and by that I mean, that it can exist within the 'institutional setting' known as the "Nation", or the "State", or "Government". Is "money" or "economic influence" a kind of 'power'? The answer is No! Money is an economic 'medium of exchange'. It is arbitrarily established and subject to many different types of changes. Power is power; its an 'affirmative act' that has a 'source' by virtue of Office. Of course, compliance with Constitutional principles is necessary. Money is a variable that can change into 'possessions' of a concrete nature, but as a medium of exchange, it is not 'power'; of course, neither is the individual that has changed his/her money into 'possessions'. Being 'rich' also has many variables because the 'riches' can be 'inherited', 'accumulated', or acquired by 'illegal means'. I almost forgot, you can always incorporate. Regardless how acquired, it remains a 'medium of exchange', that needs to circulate among the People at the Bottom of government. Some degree of 'hoarding' may be justifiable, but not to the extent that it propels one to the Top 1% of the population. An economy that has a top 1%, holding most of the 'medium of exchange', doesn't make sense. It certainly reflects an imbalance, or a 'greed', with respect to 'money and possessions'. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against money, possessions, or corporations, per se, but, how can a medium of exchange be hoarded by a mere 1% of the population? Isn't this an indication that 'all is not well with the economy'? That's why money has no place in politics; that's why money should be kept out of politics; that's what distinguishes 'political power' from 'economic influence'. Unfortunately, and sadly, many individuals seek political office as a 'means' towards self-aggrandizement. Money and possessions are 'not power', but its accumulation has been substituted for the 'democratic values' of Freedom and Equality. Money, a 'medium of exchange', has become 'more valuable' than Freedom and Equality. That's the sad part. Its a complete misuse of an economic value that seeks to 'replace' the political values of Freedom and Equality; "its a giant step towards Plutocracy". I think all politicians should be required to live in a Dictatorship, just long enough, to get a 'taste' of what is, 'Freedom and Equality'; oh, by the way, they can take their money with them.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.