Sunday, June 22, 2014

Party ideology should follow Democratic Ideology; instead, Parties follow an economic ideology.

Parties are not all that bad; I mean, they could follow a Democratic Ideology. In such case, they would be beneficial because, that allows for the clarification of 'opposing views' of how best to serve Democracy, or, how best to serve all the People. Government is not for the purpose of 'benefiting' government. Government is an abstract 'fiction' with a Political Identity that serves a purely 'governing' Ideology. Of course, government has to be funded and hence, taxation, jobs, opportunities within government, etc., become necessary. But, government as a 'governing Agency' does not benefit, per se, from 'governing' activities. The people 'must benefit' from government, otherwise, why have government? Nevertheless, Government must be 'strong', both, to help its people, and to protect its people, but, the ultimate goal of its existence, is to serve and benefit all its People. Of course, it relation to Other governments, also becomes a necessity, within the International sphere. In summary, that would be a Democratic political ideology. But, instead, Capitalism, an economic value system, has taken hold of the 'political value system', viz. the Freedom and Equality of every individual, to the point where, 'Money', has become the ultimate value for the Individual, both, the individual at the Bottom, and, the Individual serving as a Representative in Government. Consequently, Freedom and Equality, takes Second Chair to an economic value. Of course, that serves a 'Plutocratic Ideal' as well as an 'Oligarchic Ideal', but not a Democratic Ideal. How did that happen? Well, its hard to say, but, notice the 'characteristics of greed', and compare them with the mind set of a child. Of course, that's not fair, nevertheless consider, the childish mind set of, 'more and more', or, 'again and again', of immaturity. Money is a 'true fiction', empty of any value, other than, an 'attributed value', a changeable value, and a cumulative value. Its 'unhealthy accumulation', for an economy, is evidenced by its being hoarded by the top 1%, which limits its circulation at the Bottom. Governments relationship to its Capitalistic economy must be re-addressed. Government must take the initiative, and acquire more control over the economy. 'Money' has taken over Government, and it should be government, that takes over the economy. I don't mean some kind of 're-distribution' scheme, and I don't mean the 'adoption' of an 'economic value system', I mean, a more 'democratic economy'. Democracy has First Chair; the economy, can take Second Chair.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.