Thursday, April 17, 2014

A Nations first duty is to its own People.

A Nations first duty is to its own People. Obviously, on the International level, a Nation has no business interfering with the 'governing' of any neighboring Nation. Of course, every Nation is free to govern its People as it sees fit. However, its one thing to 'govern' a People, and quite another, to abuse or attempt to destroy, the human condition within its boundaries, which 'human condition' is the essence of every government. Of course, no Nation sets out to intentionally destroy its own People. So the question is always why is a Nation having problems with its own People? Certainly all human beings should have a right to complain about how its government is treating the People. In a real Democracy, the People have a right to "petition the government for redress of grievances". Unless the changes are made, this Right can easily turn into a revolution. Of course, all governments are usually better 'armed' or 'equipped' than the so-called 'revolutionaries'. This scenario raises difficult problems. The reason for these problems is the 'inequality' of the different sides. But, that is the nature of revolutions. The problem arises when the government-side decides to quell the revolution with 'violent-means'. Revolutions should bring about a re-assessment of democratic values, not a suppression of the revolution, and a continuation of the same value-system; a value system that caused it in the first place. A violent suppression merely causes a re-alignment of forces. The result is an already 'divided-up social' becomes 'more divided-up' and entrenched and the 'tension' merely continues. Problems should be resolved, not made worse. However, on an International scale the issue that arises is the duty' of the other nations, when the nation uses force and 'unfair' means of quelling a revolution. Certainly, a Nation that uses chemical-weapons against the revolting citizens does not get any respect from neighboring Nations. What is the duty of the neighboring Nations? Of course, one always hopes that a Nation can resolve its own governing problems, but if the revolt reaches a point where unfair or chemical weapons are being used by the government, no Nation can accept that as an expression of the governing process. Every nation should resolve its own problems. All other Nations should 'mind their own business'. But, no Nation has to 'put up' with the annihilation of the human race. To be sure, People need 'governing', but if that Nation is 'not governing', who needs that Nation.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.