Monday, April 7, 2014

Why is Democracy and Capitalism antithetical?

It is important to see the antithetical nature of the two different systems. Don't misunderstand. The two systems are both necessary to a viable Nation and a viable economy. We need them both. But, one is for governing and the other is for producing necessary 'goods' and circulating a 'medium of exchange' within the economy. Without money, the economy is not going to 'move'. Its the 'motor' of the economy and its circulation is necessary. Nevertheless, governing millions of People, is about the Freedom and Equality of the Individual, and those two basic values, or 'qualities', are the only 'political values' that will help the People 'hold together' as a Nation. Otherwise, why live in a 'condition of togetherness'? Of course, everyone will say, "well, where are you going to go? As a practical matter, there's no other place to go. You don't have a choice!" One can argue in that manner, and that may well be true, but, be very careful, because that point of view is completely theoretical and completely misses the point. The point is everyone is born into a political entity or Nation, and that Nation already has its own government, and its own economy. Some are democratic some are not. If you happen to be born into a democracy, do you want to be 'governed' by the principles of an economy? In other words, do you want to be governed by the 'now become Rich', and, the 'now become wealthy', or, the so-called 1%, or do you want to be governed in 'Freedom and Equality'? In a 'government' that has been completely 'taken over' by the rich, or that has substituted the principles of Capitalism, in place of, the principles of Democracy, I assure you, will not have Freedom, nor Equality. Only in Freedom and Equality, is it possible for any one individual to 'achieve something' within the Nation. Otherwise, we are born into 'slavery'. There are many kinds of slavery, and 'economic slavery' is one of them. Where are the jobs, where are the 'opportunities' to achieve a 'certain Equality' that makes us 'Equal' human beings? (This would 'attenuate' the so-called 'classes' in a society). There should be no classes in a society, only Equally Free human beings. Human beings are not divided into classes, only the principles of an economy 'creates classes'. That's precisely why we cannot be governed by economic principles. The economy, as important as it is, has too remain within the economy, and should not infiltrate into the principles of a Democracy. Democracy and 'governing' is about People, the economy is about a 'medium of circulation'. Keep both, but keep them separate. For Gods sake, overturn Citizens United, and keep Democracy viable.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.