Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A 'rich' Nation cannot survive, if the 'greater' part of its People live in poverty.

To say that "a Nation is rich", is an abstract statement. To begin with, the concept of the Nation or the "State" is itself considered a 'fiction'. I assume this last statement means that the concept is abstract because it does not exist as a 'concrete thing'. To be sure, it applies to a geographical area that has limits and, the Nation to which the concept applies, is 'well established' and 'well defined'. Nevertheless, the concept itself; Nation, State, or Country, is an abstract term that applies to a 'political entity' that exists in a well circumscribed geographical area as a 'real' source of 'political power'. This rationale may not be sufficient to justify the use of the term, 'Fiction', but the main thing to consider, is that the term refers to an 'abstract entity'. When we call a Nation 'rich', we are referring to an abstraction that refers directly to a 'political entity' as a whole. But, no 'Nation' can exist without 'a People', hence no Nation can be rich, if the greater part of its People live in poverty. How can an 'abstraction' be considered 'rich', if the essence of the entity, to wit; the 'People', live in poverty? That does not make sense. I do not refer to a situation where all the People within any 'rich' Nation are equally 'rich'. But, I do refer to a situation where the 'greater part of the People' live in poverty, i.e. without homes, without work, without funds, without health-care, without education, and, the gravest problem of all, without food. How can a Nation be said to be rich and have poverty-stricken Peoples? That's a weak Nation, not a strong Nation. The problems with a weak Nation is that it could have, both, 'International problems', as well as, 'National problems'. If such a Nation cannot resolve its National problems, it could deconstruct from within. People are important. They cannot be ignored for long. Once, People understand that they are the essence of any one Nation, they understand that they are the 'strength' of that Nation. A Nation without the support of its People is a weak Nation. It cannot 'fight' too long, on both fronts.

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