Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The most important 'institution' in the world( government) is being misused.

How can the most important institution in the world be misused? The structure of Government is an abstraction, but exists only to become 'practical'. Otherwise, there would be no need for government. Since, the People at the Bottom of government are the 'governed', it is vital that 'governments' function properly because, their sole aim is to 'govern' their People, not to 'govern' other Nations nor to 'quarrel' with other political entities. At what point do Nations go beyond the bounds of their proper self-interest. At what point, do they 'extend-over' into the 'proper functioning' of the Other Nations? We still see Nations 'fighting' over geographical areas that do not pertain to them. I can understand the so-called 'possessiveness' of a Nation over its own 'National structure' or geographical area, particularly when it comes to responding to 'aggressive behavior' by the Other Nation. However, what happens when the Peoples of any one Nation have 'revolted' and formed their own 'Nation'? What right does the 'mother' Nation have in attempting to bring it back into the 'fold'? It doesn't have that right, because the People have 'spoken'. But, what rights or obligations does that scenario give to the other Nations? Do they have a right to interfere? The problematic at the International level, should be 'handled' by a United Nations form of government. Does a United Nations have a right to interfere when any one 'mother' Nation is interfering with the 'newly formed' Nation? Absolutely. But, where is the United Nations? If a United Nations is not responding to some atrocity, do the Other Nations have a right to respond? There is the problematic. Does a Nation have the right to interfere when the 'essence' of government is being harmed or destroyed? Governments are about People; not about Other Nations. Sadly, abstract differences often lead to 'practical difficulties'. In a Nation they lead to 'revolution'; in the World or a United Nations, they lead to War. How can a 'tool' constructed for the sole purpose of 'governing' the Many, be so misused. Government is only a tool; a necessary 'tool' for 'governing' People. Its somewhat ridiculous for an 'abstract entity' to 'differ abstractly' with Other nations , about 'some International issue', that could cause a war between Nations. People 'never' have a say-so in war; they're just 'dragged' into war. War is not necessary, but neither is the 'destruction' of the 'human conditions of existence'; 'conditions' that make governments necessary. Nations should 'concern' themselves with their own Nation, and should stop 'dabbling' outside their geographical boundary.

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