Monday, April 21, 2014

Its one thing for a Nation to call itself a Democracy; another to be a 'real' democracy.

Its one thing to claim to be a Democracy; quite another to actually be a real Democracy. The political term "Democracy" is an abstraction which applies to the form and organization of 'governing' of any one particular Nation. That government has People at the Bottom, in the millions, who constitute the 'essence' of democracy. A Democratic form of government always places the Rights of the People as the sole purpose for its activity. No government has 'any considerations' or duties to perform, other than those that apply to, and benefit, the People. Of course, there will be activity that 'purely' reflects on the government structure and not on the People. But these activities usually apply to administrative duties, and possibly even to 'shows of strength', on the International sphere, but, that being said, even those activities 'indirectly reflect' on the Many individuals at the Bottom. A 'government' cannot protect itself. A government needs People to support it, and to help 'represent' the Nation, when necessary, to protect itself. All government activity involves the People; or its not government activity. Simply put, Governments cannot act on its own behalf, it can only act as a 'representative' of its People, and as such can only act on behalf of the People. That's why, its primary duty for even existing, is to represent the People; it has no other purpose for existing. All democratic activity is for the benefit of the People. Period! Hence, legislation and law must help the millions at the Bottom. A Democratic arrangement of government, the economy, and the Social, is one structured to help 'all the people' at the Bottom; that means, opportunities, work, jobs, income, health benefits, homes, and what's wrong with a little recreation? A problem arises when Leaders in a democracy begin to think in some 'politically' warped manner instead of a 'Representative' manner. Of course, there are Nations that call themselves Democratic, that don't care about their People, and don't provide for them. They become Nations with leaders that act on behalf of themselves and with the goals of acquiring more territory, or acquiring more 'power'. Some individuals begin to 'think' in economic terms, or in terms of increasing their money, their possessions, or assuming positions of power within the Nation, so as to legislate policy that will increase their already vast amounts of money; that would be the 1%, the Plutocrats, the Oligarchs, or just simply, the non-democrats. Where are the Statesmen?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.