Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Democracy and Capitalism are essential to the Nation.

Both Institutions are necessary to a strong Nation. However, we cannot change Democracy. Why not? Because Democracy is the best form of government there is, simply because its a form where the People govern themselves. This cannot be changed into a better form, it can only be 'perfected'. However, its possible to modify Capitalism to better fit the democratic scheme of things. How? Simply by moving the end-game of 'profits', the motor, behind the institution, into a more 'comprehensive' reach; one that will benefit the democratic institutions. As it exists today, Capitalism is all about profits and the problematic is that profits can be hoarded and converted into assets or acquisitions. This causes a fixation of a medium of exchange that should circulate. That, in itself, wouldn't be too bad, if greed did not take over, and if Capitalists were not trying to 'invade' the democratic underpinnings of the best form of government. That there is such a move is obvious from the recent Supreme Court decisions that allow 'legal fictions' to participate in politics and allows for a concentration of money within the political playing field. These political moves weaken the democratic value system and strengthens the influence of money within the political playing field. That can only lead to a Plutocracy or Oligarchy and I don't have to elaborate on that. Democracy is about fairness, about Freedom and Equality, and a better form of life for everyone. We may not be there yet, but that's the direction of change. Capitalism, is about profits, accretion, greed, and 'self-inflation'. It must be improved before it destroys the very democratic institution that allowed it to flourish. It has no sense of 'direction of change', it only wants more and more of the same; profits. It 'stops' at 'accumulation' and that becomes the sole end-game of capitalistic endeavors. Hence; democracy cannot be changed, only improved into more and more freedoms and equality; and more viable democratic institutions, supported by its economy. I call it a Capitalocracy, because it merges the 'best' of Capitalism with the 'best' in Democracy. Its somewhat of an 'unmanageable term' but the effects of these changes can establish, a better, stronger, Democracy; one 'unified front' moving in the right direction, instead of two institutions competing against each other. Money can never be more valuable, then Freedom and Equality. Freedom and Equality is how we got here.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.