Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Democratic Government may be an abstraction, but the real test of real Democracy is the 'condition' of the People.

As we all know, one can call a 'government' by any abstract term, and then claim to 'be' that System of government. But, as we also know, that's not the 'true' test. The 'true' test is the 'condition' of the People and the freedoms and liberties they enjoy as well as the fact that all human beings are equal human beings; i.e. they are politically Free and Equal. The test of Equality is often a clear gauge of the real attitude of the 'governing power' as well as the 'Other people' living in a condition of togetherness. Freedom means freedom from any 'imposed limitation', but for, the compliance with Constitutional Laws, and institutions, and Equality means, equal human beings. Equality has nothing to do with money, possessions, 'net value', or any social or political position. In other words equality means equal human beings. Discrimination by Race, Color, Creed, or economic situation, has nothing to do with equality, nor, the 'unfair' levy of taxation, which raises the issue of taxation of corporations, (recognized legal fictions) and taxation of real Individuals. Hence, we can call ourselves, a "Democracy", an "Autocracy", or a "Plutocracy", or an "Oligarchy", or even by this new neologism, "Capitalocracy", or, "Capitalocrats". All these are abstractions that serve a merely 'descriptive' function; they still have to be analyzed by the actual 'effect' they each have at the Bottom of government, where all the people live, and have their Freedom and Equality. If a Democracy does in fact respect and protects the Freedom and Equality of the Individual, it is, in fact, a Democracy. However, the fact that the value system of the economy, to wit; "money", a medium of exchange, has 'taken over' the value system of democracy, which is the Freedom and equality of the Individual, makes it necessary to better describe, the requirements of a real democracy. Money and possessions have no place in determining 'freedom' and 'equality' in a Democracy. Hence, in a Democracy, the economy must be organized in such a way that the Democratic value system 'balances out' the invasive Capitalistic value system of 'profits'( the motor of the economy). This balancing can only be accomplished by organizing the governmental structure in a way that compels obligatory institutions within the economy, to contribute to the democratic institutions already established. In other words, the economic value system does not stop with profits, but continues as a 'support and aid' to Democratic institutions. No government can accomplish all that is necessary in a democracy, solely by the levy of taxes; especially when the Tax system favors the rich and oppresses the poor. Hence the necessity of re-describing the Capitalistic system driven by profits, into a system that compels contribution, to the democratic institutions within which it thrives. We need more Capitalocrats; i.e, more 'Democratic involvement' 'by' the economy,'within' the economy. Democratic government 'needs' Capitalism, but Capitalism can not exist in a Non-Democratic Nation. Its 'pay-back' time.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.