Friday, April 25, 2014

Its not Democracy vs. Capitalism; its Democracy and Capitalism

We have also said that the two principles must be kept separate. Capitalism should not 'mingle' in the democratic principles or get involved in politics, for the 'sole purpose', of augmenting profits. It must be kept separate, but that is not to say that the People cannot benefit from the 'results' of Capitalism. A capitalistic principle creates profits for the Individuals who own or share in the instruments, or the owners of the instruments, of the activity; usually a corporate structure. However, it could become possible that the 'profit venture' should benefit those who will buy or use the product, and that, the activity can be organized, to benefit the Bottom of government. 'Profits' or simply money, should benefit those who help the venture by buying and using the products and by creating jobs, income, wages, and homes for the People in the Nation first, and then, the International sphere. This is not a 'hand-out' scheme; its a balancing scheme where the Triad of government benefits by having economic activity contributing towards a 'balanced triad', viz. a well, economically, balanced, Bottom, strongly supporting a Democratic Top by means of its economic activity. All nations have and need an economic activity. The problematic arises when an individual is overcome with personal 'greed' instead of allowing a medium of exchange, money, to circulate as it was meant to do, and as it must. Instead the 'few', hoard the 'money part' of the capitalistic activity, for the 'simple reasons', of having more of the same, and possibly, to make the top of the Forbes list. How ironic, Government is designed to govern the 'condition of togetherness', in a 'condition of togetherness', and Capitalism 'degenerates' from the 'condition' into an individual emphasis against the 'condition' and basically, 'gives birth' to economic greed. An individual can have as much money as s/he pleases, as long as its not at the expense of the democratic principles, of Freedom and Equality. The oft repeated and sometimes 'ridiculed' phrase of "trickle-down economics" is more real than appears. That is to say, the abstract term sounds silly, but the reality has never really taken place. Actually, money always seems to 'trickle up'. If the principle of 'Capitalism' was properly generated and used, nothing would have to 'trickle'; it would be a 'whole' effect. Unfortunately, that takes individual effort, and the 'haves' are not about to help the 'have-not'. That seems to be the 'crime' of humanity; to aspire to be on the Forbes list instead of the 'Freedom and Equality' of the human condition. Truly, Democracy is the best government around; and its certainly, not perfect; but it must do better. Democracy should not be overcome by Capitalism. Democracy 'helps' Capitalism by protecting Freedom and Equality; why can't Capitalism help Democracy by being a Capital-ocracy?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.