Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A political system that abuses its People is abusing its own strength.

A political system has power over its own People, but, it does not have power over the People of other political systems. On an International scale, any one government, or, any one Nation, has the same 'power as a Nation', as any Other Nation. On an International scale, all Nations have the same Integrity and political power, as any Other Nation. In other words, Internationally, all Nations are Equal and all Nations should be respected as Equal entities of equal power. However, its different, when any one Nation claims to be more powerful than any Other Nation or begins to flex its political muscles in the International community. Obviously, that should never be the case, because as Nations, they are all equal. Nations are institutionally of equal power and, within the International community, they are Free and Equal in the same manner as individuals are Free and Equal within any one democratic Nation. However, all Nations also possess 'strength'. A Nation that abuses its own People, for whatever reason, can never have 'strength' in its competition with Other Nations. A Nation with 'abused People' is a weak Nation. That's why every Nation should protect and respect the integrity, Freedom and Equality, of its own People. Although every Nation has political power over its People, it must also have the 'strength of its People' in order to hold together. Otherwise, it becomes weak. Sure, technology has taken over the 'war machine', but without People, no Nation can hold together. Eventually, a Nation that abuses its People, will self-destruct. Technology and Weapons of Mass Destruction can never rule a world, they can only destroy it. The World without People is not a World. In every case, whether Nationally, or Internationally, the World is about People; its about humanity in a 'condition of togetherness' trying to get along. Regardless, the Nationality, color of skin, race, wealth, or religion, the human condition has an 'innate strength', and every human Individual has a 'strength' that must express its 'Life energy' as a human being. People are real; governments are not. No government can touch that; whether on a National or on an International scale, the human condition is sacred, Free and Equal. Its time for governments to understand that without People, a Nation is weak. Sooner or later, you will self-destruct. Humanity cannot be held back.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.