Tuesday, April 1, 2014

'Government', in the International sphere, is as necessary, as Government on the National sphere.

The International community is different from the National community. We all know that; and we know that International 'government', is about governing other political entities; entities that possess power over their People, and consequently, having equal 'power' on the International sphere. In other words, the 'World Government' governs other entities with the 'same power' that it purports to have, in order to be able to govern at that level. To be sure, the level of government is different, but there is no difference in the 'power' of the 'governed Nation', from the power of the governing International body. Obviously, the 'power' of any 'member' Nation, is a 'given' political attribute of just being a Nation. The level of government is, truly, 'more abstract' than on the National level. On the National level, the Top is truly abstract, but the Bottom is 'real'. On the International level, both, the Top and the Bottom of the International spheres are abstract. Power is abstract, and both political entities are also abstract. Hence, the politics of the International sphere is a purely abstract politics. Not so, with any National political entity. Each National political entity should have a 'direct relation' with its own People; and its own People are as 'real' as those of any other Nation. In other words, underlying both the International sphere and the National sphere, the 'Peoples of the world' are real human beings. Hence, the politics is different on one sphere from that of the Other sphere. The difference can be emphasized by a 'term' which applies to both spheres. For example; so called, 'unrest' on the National level, and 'unrest' on the International level are different. On the National level that 'unrest' could turn into a 'revolution'; on the International level, that 'unrest' could turn into a 'War' between Nations. Why? because the International sphere deals with purely 'power politics', while, on the National sphere, it should be a 'clash' between the institutional 'power' of a government at the Top, and the 'Rights' of the 'human condition' in its 'condition of togetherness' at the Bottom, in other words, a 'clash' between 'institutional power' and the 'Democracy' of the People. Wouldn't it be nice, if all 'Leaders, Chairman's, Presidents, Dictators, Oligarchs, Plutocrats, Kings, or 'whatever', would be more 'democratically human', and less, egotistical, power hungry, 'money driven', humans. All they have to do is think of the 'Other', instead of 'themselves'. The 'Bottom line', whether Nationally or Internationally, is that the People, in their 'condition of togetherness', and in great 'Numbers', are 'stronger', than 'instituted' governments. Instituted governments should govern 'real human beings' in a democratic manner.

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.