Thursday, April 3, 2014

Capitalism is not Democratic

Capitalism is not Democratic. The reason for that statement is that the goal of all economic activity is the make a profit. Making a profit is an 'authoritarian' endeavor. It does not 'hold back' so that the competition can 'catch up' with competing economic activity. Also, most capitalistic ventures are 'incorporated' so that the size 'overwhelms' the small business establishments. The corporate structure is a recognized 'fiction' and hence the big incorporated businesses can be said to be 'business fictions'. Yet, they produce more 'profits' than the small business-person. In other words the government creates fictions to compete with the real human beings in the economy. Is that democratic? Of course, some will say the individual is free to pursue economic activity as s/he pleases. That's true, but the point is that a government is motored by democratic principles of Freedom and Equality, while an economy is motored by the profit motive. The two are starkly different and they must be kept separate. Freedom and Equality cannot 'motor' an economy and the 'profit motive' cannot motor a democracy. It is imperative that the two principles be kept separate and that the Democratic spirit not be contaminated by money. Of course, the question is, "how is that to be done"? The answer should be obvious to anyone putting a little thought behind the two concepts. Of course, an important consideration is always, "how do our elected officials feel about the greedy accumulation of money"? Yes, unfortunately, the human condition is not beyond entertaining selfish goals that relate to money more so than to democratic principles of Freedom and Equality. That's why the 1% wants to field candidates for office and that's why the Citizens case needs to be overturned. The Citizens case makes money the 'driving force' behind a corporate takeover of government. Big Business, big corporations, money, Citizens and the 1% are beginning to undo the Freedom and Equality of the principle of Democracy. How did that happen? Well, money has become power, and the Freedom and Equality of the human condition has been transferred to the economy, so that capitalists now say, " we are free to engage in economic activity, and the democratic principles of Freedom and Equality of a democracy, be dammed". No!, they must be kept separate. Neither of the two principles can be co-mingled with the other. All we have to do is look around and see what is happening. Even leaders of Religious organizations who are said to have a 'proper value system' have become 'money hungry'. The human condition needs to re-evaluate itself. How sad. Sooner or later, we are going to be remembering, "how wonderful it was to have once lived in a Democracy, where we could live Freely and in Equality. Are there any 'true leaders' out there?

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Democracy For The Bottom by Gilbert Gonzalez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.